Sunday, May 01, 2005

MSNBC to Rename?

Drudge: "MSNBC to change its name, the Drudge Report has learned. The all-news cable network, which was founded as joint effort between Microsoft and NBC, will simply become 'The NBC News Channel' ... Top source explains: 'The new name is cleaner, less confusing...represents the programmig.'"

I know the old name was definitely confusing to casual news consumers I've asked about it. Some call it MNBC or that NBC channel. And of course, there's the Rush Limbaugh favorite, PMSNBC.

Earlier in March, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer toed a fine line in hinting his company was going to pull out of the cable channel:

"At MSNBC we're trying to drive very hard to bring more and more of this video content to bear, and press reports to the contrary, we and General Electric are very committed to what we're doing together online with MSNBC. And I talked about search and profitability."